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after modding my new 2ds xl last year (2024), i asked myself: what's next? what am i going to do with this little guy now?
i downloaded all pokemon games and realized that i had actually never ever played black and white, and black and white 2.
i had started it once, but just never played it through. (the same actually goes for ultra sun/moon, but first things first).
so i decided to start up black and white, choosing to play black to be specific. but i didn't just want to do a normal playthrough,
and since i had recently started a soul-link nuzlocke with a friend of mine, and really enjoyed that, i started to browse other types of nuzlockes.
this brought me to the monolocke, a playthrough where you can only use pokemon that have a specific type.
this instantly interested me because i'm such a big fan of water pokemon and was always kinda obsessed with the character of misty.
so i opened up my 2ds, booted up pkmn black and called my protagonist Aqua.
let me quote: "In the Monolocke variant of the Nuzlocke challenge, only Pokemon that have a specific type are allowed to be caught and used by the player. This is sometimes also referred to as the “Gym Leader challenge”." (source)
updated: 2 march 2025
name: origo
named for "origin", a hint at the fact that it's my starter
name: milk
named after the garbage song.
pokemon i hope to catch along my journey through Unova; we'll see about pokemon from older generations.
seel and vaporeon are always on my mind.
since i've never really traveled unova before, i saddled up for an entirely new experience in this playthrough.
the last game i was playing before i started this monolocke was heartgold, and so this wasn't as big a jump between graphics/generations,
but i still admire how pretty unova is (so far).
time to go ahead and tell you what the first part of my journey was like.
my first summer was spent traveling to striation city, leveling my oshawott against lillipups, patrats, and purrloins.
i was warned against the fact that the gym leader of striaton city will use grass against my water pokemon, and since i hadn't
had a chance to catch another pokemon (due to the lack of water pokemon up until here), i tried to get my oshawott up to level 17
to fight against Cilan. countless grindy wild pokemon battles latter, i was only at level 16, but the xp gain defeating these level 7-ish
lillipups was too small to get me to 17 in a reasonable time, so i went in against Cilans level 14 pansage anyway and won by using focus energy and tackle.
impressive, i know.
by the time i came out of there, it had become auntumn.
so i traveled on, my oshawott evolved into dewott and i hurried across all obstracles into the pinwheel forest, where i could
finally expect to encounter another water pokemon. i caught a female tympole at level 15 on my third encounter (phew), and named it
"milk" after the garbage song. this is something i want to continue doing: naming my pokemon after songs i like.
so from here, i took origo and milk to the nacrene city gym.