what's on my playstation portable

favorite games:




midnight club

model: playstation portable 2000

jailbroken / modded / cracked

insane in the membrane

growing up, i never had a psp. i bought the 2000 when i was already in university. it wasn't nostalgia that attracted me to it but the hacking scene. up to this point i had never modded the hardware of a console before. i had tried my hand at hacking an old furby (led eyed version), but my 2ds seemed too precious to touch (spoiler: i did so later anyway). the cheap prices of the psp on the used market solidified my idea to get one and make it my first modding project.
and look at us now, who would have thought?

my psp has ark4 installed, with a 64gb sd card to store games, films, and a couple mp3s.

the essentials

more fun even than having games on this device is honestly having music on it! shout out to the pre-installed music visualizer. the psp is responsible for the fact that i'm thinking about investing in a mp3 player again (investing meaning taking the time to really choose a model i like, not buy an expensive one). i think i just really enjoy the isolated experience of listening to music and not doing anything else at the same time. also i just miss the actual feedback of a couple of buttons and sliders, ect. as of right now i mostly have full albums on my psp, and like listing to them, instead of creating a playlist or something similar. (artists: fiona apple, nas, satellite lovers);
aside from music, i put a couple of films on there too. i don't have many files anymore, and don't active grow my collection (if you know what i mean), but a couple of comfort films made it on there anyway.

my favorite colors


here's a short list of games i have found to be fun:
* = favorite

  • * midnight club
  • digimon world re-digitized (eng fan patch)
  • ridge racer
  • tony hawk's underground 2 remix
  • * persona 3 portable
  • * gurumin
  • tekken 6
  • * tekken 5: dark resurrection
  • gta vice city
  • silent hill
  • parasite eve
  • crazy taxi

if you have any recommendations, please let me know in my chat or on my neocities profile <3